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9789462366121 English 9462366128 Through a comparative review of eight legal systems, this book examines the legal aspects of parenthood and nationality following inter-country surrogacy arrangements and the influence of European and international human rights law on the determination of parentage, the establishment of nationality, and the prevention of statelessness, as well as identity rights, continuation of relationship rights, and, more broadly, child protection. The research considers whether national laws on parenthood and the establishment of nationality sufficiently protect the interests of the surrogate-born child, as well as the parties to a surrogacy arrangement in accordance with identifiable standards under European and international human rights law. Soft law and hard law recommendations are provided to protect the interests of these children. Thesis. *** Librarians: ebook available [Subject: International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Children's Law, Comparative Law], With reference to a comparative review of eight legal systems, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to examine the legal aspects of parenthood and nationality following inter-country surrogacy arrangements. The book also looks at the influence of European and international human rights law on the determination of parentage, the establishment of nationality, the prevention of statelessness, identity rights, continuation of relationship rights, and, more broadly, child protection. The research considers whether national laws on parenthood and the establishment of nationality sufficiently protect the interests of the surrogate-born child, as well as the parties to a surrogacy arrangement in accordance with identifiable standards under European and international human rights law. Soft law and hard law recommendations are provided to protect the interests of these children. Thesis. *** Librarians: ebook available [Subject: International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Children's Law, Comparative Law]
9789462366121 English 9462366128 Through a comparative review of eight legal systems, this book examines the legal aspects of parenthood and nationality following inter-country surrogacy arrangements and the influence of European and international human rights law on the determination of parentage, the establishment of nationality, and the prevention of statelessness, as well as identity rights, continuation of relationship rights, and, more broadly, child protection. The research considers whether national laws on parenthood and the establishment of nationality sufficiently protect the interests of the surrogate-born child, as well as the parties to a surrogacy arrangement in accordance with identifiable standards under European and international human rights law. Soft law and hard law recommendations are provided to protect the interests of these children. Thesis. *** Librarians: ebook available [Subject: International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Children's Law, Comparative Law], With reference to a comparative review of eight legal systems, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to examine the legal aspects of parenthood and nationality following inter-country surrogacy arrangements. The book also looks at the influence of European and international human rights law on the determination of parentage, the establishment of nationality, the prevention of statelessness, identity rights, continuation of relationship rights, and, more broadly, child protection. The research considers whether national laws on parenthood and the establishment of nationality sufficiently protect the interests of the surrogate-born child, as well as the parties to a surrogacy arrangement in accordance with identifiable standards under European and international human rights law. Soft law and hard law recommendations are provided to protect the interests of these children. Thesis. *** Librarians: ebook available [Subject: International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Children's Law, Comparative Law]