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Book Your Hidden Symmetry : How Your Birth Date Reveals the Plan for Your Life MOBI, DOC, DJV


On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose--elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And like your own personal tide table, the ebbs and flows of each phase of your life were set into motion on the day of your birth. Based on ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, this book gives you a rich understanding of your hidden symmetry--the intricate inner design that influences who you are and how your life unfolds. This book is not about astrology or numerology; it is based on thousands of years of research about how time moves in natural patterns and profoundly affects your life. You can use this knowledge to discover the themes running through your life experience, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world. Jean Haner shows you how to ride the waves instead of fight the current of your life, learn how to make best use of what's coming in future years, and understand why things happened as they did in the past. Jean will guide you to discover who you really came here to be, recognize the true nature of everyone you meet, and break free of old limitations--and create a life of conscious vitality, joy, ease and love!, On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose-elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And like your own personal tide table, the ebbs and flows of each phase of your life were set into motion on the day of your birth. Based on ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, this book gives you a rich understanding of your hidden symmetry-the intricate inner design that influences who you are and how your life unfolds. This book is not about astrology or numerology; it is based on thousands of years of research about how time moves in natural patterns and profoundly affects your life. You can use this knowledge to discover the themes running through your life experience, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world. Jean Haner shows you how to ride the waves instead of fight the current of your life, learn how to make best use of what's coming infuture years, and understand why things happened as they did in the past. Jean will guide you to discover who you really came here to be, recognize the true nature of everyone you meet, and break free of old limitations-and create a life of conscious vitality, joy, ease and love!, On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and purpose-elegant patterns that can be read to see who you really are and what your true calling is. And, like your own personal tide table, the ebbs and flows of each phase of your life were set into motion on the day of your birth.Based on ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, this book gives you a rich understanding of your hidden symmetry: the intricate inner design that influences who you are and how your life unfolds. This book is not about astrology or numerology; it is based on thousands of years of research about how time moves in natural patterns and profoundly affects your life. You can use this knowledge to discover the themes running through your life experience, tap into your core strengths, find lasting love, and do your best work in the world.Jean Haner shows you how to ride the waves instead of fight the current of your life, learn how to make best use of what's coming in future years, and understand why things happened as they did in the past. Jean will guide you to discover who you really came here to be, recognise the true nature of everyone you meet, and break free of old limitations-and create a life of conscious vitality, joy, ease and love!'The wisdom Jean Haner presents in Your Hidden Symmetry has been valuable in my own life over the years. I highly recommend it as a way to love and accept yourself, as well as the way your life is unfolding. I'm delighted to contribute the affirmations in this book to support your journey!' Louise L. Hay, the New York Times best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life'Your Hidden Symmetry will help you to know yourself, accept yourself, and be true to who you really are. Jean Haner presents an ancient wisdom for living and authentic life. Her work is a gift to the world.' Robert Holden, Ph.D., author of Shift Happens! and Loveability'With grace and wisdom born of an innate understanding of the human spirit, Jean will gently guide you down the path to profound self-understanding in this heartfelt book. Highly recommended!' Denise Linn, author of Soul Coaching and Sacred Space

Jean Haner - Your Hidden Symmetry : How Your Birth Date Reveals the Plan for Your Life download book DOC, MOBI, DJV

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